Grow Your VSO Today! 

There are over 20 million Veterans across the country, and less than 10% of Veterans belong to a Veteran Service Organization.

Grow Your VSO’s Membership!

  • Increase your VSO’s membership monthly through the SMB Partnership Program’s provided reporting and qualified new membership inquiries.

  • The SMB Partnership program provides each member with crucial information and forms regarding VA burial benefits that veterans and their families are entitled to.

  • The SMB Partnership Program includes exclusive pre-qualified and supplemental benefits to veterans and their families provided by our issuing partners.

Maximize Your VSO!

Service Member Benefits is dedicated to the growth and support of Veteran Service Organizations.

We believe that service members should not only know what they are entitled to and covered for, through the VA, but also belong to and participate in a VSO.

The SMB Impact!

Hear directly from Veterans all across the country as they share their experience meeting with a SMB representative.

Veterans meet with SMB representatives in the following ways:

  1. Online Request

  2. Sponsorship of Another Veteran

  3. SMB Partnership Program With A VSO